Aerial view of North Park University campus with 芝加哥 skyline.



亚游集团官方网站有几个停车场可供学生,教师和工作人员使用. 请在停车前熟悉我们的政策和程序.


All visitors and guests including alumni, 父母, 及乘坐私家车的人士,应将车停在福斯特大厦指定的访客停车场内 & 北纬5141号凯德兹停车场. [1.


Lots will be marked as “event parking” when occasions require. 停车 for visitors to North Park University is free.



和其他城市校园一样,亚游集团官方网站的停车位也非常有限. 因此,一年级住校学生是不允许开车进校园的. 一般, 由于缺乏可用的停车位,上流社会的住校学生不鼓励自带汽车. 大多数在校学生发现,在城市里有足够的交通选择,所以汽车是不必要的.


停车许可证可以用信用卡在网上购买,购买后可以在学生服务处领取. Permits may not be offered for resale or exchange by anyone.

购买停车许可证 校园安全中心工作时间

请注意: A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space, 但只有在“可用”的基础上,才有机会在指定的停车场停车. Also note, that students living on campus are 只有 eligible for Resident Student Permits and the Evening/Weekend Permit is 只有 available to Graduate and Adult Degree Completion students.


Resident and Commuter students must purchase permits each semester. 

  • 学生居留许可:200美元
    *First-year resident students are not eligible for campus parking permits.
  • Commuter Student Permit: $100
  • Evening and Weekend Student Permit: $100
  • 教师 and Staff: Contact Student Services for parking permit costs.

In order to purchase a permit from the online portal, you will need the following:

  • A username and password (created the first time you sign in)
  • 你的驾照号码
  • 现通讯地址
  • Vehicle details: Make, model, year, license plate number
  • Registered Owner (if someone other than yourself): name, phone, address
  • 保险信息
  • 信用卡或借记卡


1. 悬挂牌许可证必须显示在后视镜上,并且可以在家庭车辆之间转移. They are not transferable between owners. Valid hang tag permits must be hung from the rearview mirror, 许可证号码和/或图形通过前挡风玻璃和挡风玻璃的着色部分下面显示. 除非停车许可证正确地显示在车辆上,否则不被视为有效.

2. Vehicles must be in good driving condition so that it can be safely operated; no junk cars may be left in lots.

3. Vehicles must display proper license plates.

4. 停车 in an unauthorized area can result in ticketing and towing. 观察到停车场已满并不能成为在未授权区域停车的正当理由.

5. 如果员工或学生发现有必要在紧急情况下驾驶,而没有有效的许可证, he/she must obtain a temporary permit from Campus Safety. 哪怕只有一天, simply call Campus Safety and provide them with a description of your vehicle.

根据美国残疾人法案(ADA),大学停车场提供无障碍停车位。. Vehicles parked in these spaces must display a valid accessible/ADA permit. Accessible permits may be obtained from the Illinois Secretary of State Office. 根据联邦法律, unauthorized vehicles in these spaces may be ticketed by state, 当地的, and federal law enforcement officials, including campus safety officers.

Designated Color-Coded 停车

校园停车场有特殊用途,并以颜色标示. 持有车辆停车许可证的人只能将车停在与其停车许可证贴花颜色相匹配的区域内. Such areas may be identified by more than one color. 指定的停车场/区域设有指示牌及下列颜色标示:

Resident Student – White color coding
Anderson Hall 停车 Lot, 5000 N. 丁
Burgh Hall 停车 Lot, 5051 N. 丁
卡门 & 北纬5115号凯德兹停车场. [1
菱形花纹 & 北纬5025号凯德兹停车场. [1

神学院 Student – White color coding
停车 Lot behind the Johnson Center

Commuter Student – Red color coding
卡门 & 北纬5115号凯德兹停车场. [1
菱形花纹 & 北纬5025号凯德兹停车场. [1
福斯特 & 北纬5141号凯德兹停车场. [1

教师/Staff – Yellow color coding
金博尔停车场,北纬5125号. 金博
卡门 & 北纬5115号凯德兹停车场. [1
菱形花纹 & 北纬5025号凯德兹停车场. [1
“Old 书店” 停车 Lot, 3218 W. 福斯特
Alley west of Brandel图书馆
Alley north and west of Sohlberg Hall

福斯特 & 北纬5141号凯德兹停车场. [1


Student color designated lots are enforced from 7:00 am–3:00 pm, Monday–Friday.

教师/staff color designated lots are enforced from 7:00 am–9:00 pm, Monday–Friday and 7:00 am–3:00 pm, Saturday-Sunday.

停车 Violation and Penalties

罚款25美元.如违反下列校园停车规定,须向学生服务处以信用卡网上缴付$ 00:

  • Failure to display a valid North Park parking permit
  • 停车 in the wrong designated parking lot
  • 停车 in a reserved unauthorized parking space
  • 停车 in a handicapped space
  • Blocking a driveway or traffic lane
  • Parked in a designated Fire Lane
  • Allowing a non-family member to use your permit

收到停车罚单的教职员工有七(7)天的时间来支付罚款. If the fine is not paid within this period of time, the ticket holder may become responsible for the towing fee that may result. 超过三十(30)天未付罚单可能导致本学年剩余时间内停车特权的丧失.

收到罚单的学生将有七(7)天的时间来支付罚款. If the fine is not paid within this period of time, the fine will be transferred to the student’s account. 所有未缴罚款必须在下一学期注册前付清. 即将毕业的学生必须在毕业前付清所有未付清的罚款,否则成绩单将被扣留.


收到北公园停车罚单的个人可在罚单发出之日起七(7)天内向校园安全主任提出申诉. 局长将审核该违章停车罚单,并最终决定该违章停车罚单是否有效, 减少或无效. Appeal forms are available at the Magnuson Campus Center Safety Office.


  • Illegally parked vehicles where towing signs are posted. 这包括但不限于没有适当停车许可证的车辆, parked in an unauthorized parking lot, obstructing University work or events and/or deemed abandoned.
  • Illegally parked vehicles blocking fire lanes, handicap spaces, and driveways.



北园不对因盗窃造成的车辆损坏(或车内物品丢失)承担任何责任, 破坏公物, 洪水, necessary towing regardless of where the vehicle is parked on campus.

北园大学保留重新安置构成安全隐患的车辆的权利, 非法停放的车辆, or that interfere with snow removal, 建设, 沥青维护, or necessary access to parking lots, 人行道和建筑物.

For more information, please contact the Director of Campus Safety at 773-244-5222.